Get to Know Us
We are a non-profit, non denominational, funded independent school that has been working with families since 1975. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, written word of God. Our desire is to train up children to know and love the Lord with their whole heart. The beautiful thing about Christian Heritage School is that we can do this all while reaching high academic standards. Students graduating from grade 8 are academically prepared for joining one of our local high schools.
Our mission statement is "Together build a caring, Christian learning community that is dedicated to training minds, inspiring hearts and shaping character to equip our students for a life of passionate faith, pursuit of excellence, and joyful service to the Lord Jesus Christ." Our staff are dedicated to living out this mission statement and leading by example.

Upcoming Events
Nov. 29
Last day to purchase gift cards before Christmas break
Dec. 9
Bake sale items due
Dec. 10
Bake sale at school
Dec. 12
Chez Angela lunch for those who ordered
Dec. 17
CHS Christmas Concert
7 pm