Our grade 4-8 students participated in the science fair this year. The students worked hard on their projects and when the time came to show their hard work the students exceled. Everyone did a great job. We had some judges come into the school and judge the projects and quite a few students were chosen to go to the Brandon Science fair at the Keystone Center. Here are a few pictures of the students who moved on to the Keystone center with their projects.

Logan & Kayden - Nails for Breakfast (won Gold)

Troy - Balloon Factory Aaron - Sugary Madness (won Silver)

Ashton - Electromagnetic Crane

Tobias - Fruit Explosions

Ruben - Balloons Hate January Too (won Silver) Sara - Melting Comets

Marta - Eye Color and Sight Mira - Which Moisturizing Ingredients Work Best

Mesgana - Stress, Multitasking and Short-Term Memory (won Gold and the Don Somner Memorial Award)

Madison - Eye Color Genetics (won Gold) Liz - Colorful Flames (won Brandon Emergency Services Award)

Damilola & Binyam - Stressed Students Caeden - Tines of Power
Here are is a list of the students that did not make it onto a picture (parents if you have pictures of your child at the science fair please send them my way and I will be sure to put them in.)
Lily - Nail Polish Lab
Sarah & Julia - Light or Death
Maria & Ryland - Crystals in Action
Hayley - Puppy sense (won Bronze)
Krissh - Slime
Abreham - Magnets: Will They Stick or Not (won Silver)
Samuel - Mold Killers
Oluwaseun & Sannelle - Plant Maze (won Gold)
Maya - Genetics Linger, Look at Your Finger (won Bronze and the Donald Legal Services Award)
Cassidy - Colored Light Growth
Joline & Faith - Hey, Chicken! What's Your Favorite Music? (won Bronze)